Getting More Out Of Your Small Self-Storage Unit
Self-storage units are a great way to reduce clutter or store items when downsizing to a smaller home. Getting a small storage unit means you must make every inch count. You may be surprised at how much you can fit in a small unit if you utilize your space efficiently. Here are some ways to organize your belongings to store as much stuff as possible and keep your unit tidy.
Map Out Your Small Self-Storage Unit
Once you know your storage unit's dimensions, plan how to arrange your items. For example, consider leaving an aisle between your things if you need easy access to all of them.
Install Shelving
Check with your storage unit to see if you can install shelves in your unit. Stacking boxes is fine, but you might want to avoid stacking a bunch of heavy boxes on top of each other. Shelves are great for holding light and loose items that you need frequent access to.
Disassemble Your Furniture
If you are handy, take apart any furniture you don't plan to use for a while, if possible. Some items, like beds, have flat panels that you can prop against the walls. Some chairs have removable legs and backs to make storage easy.
Move In Large Items First
Move in and arrange your larger, bulkier items that you won't need for a while first. These items will be the base where you will stack all other items. Therefore, the first items should be the heaviest. Stack each box according to relative lightness.
Use Similar-Sized Boxes
One way to make your storage unit look neat and efficient is to use as many similar-sized boxes as possible. Similar-sized boxes are easier to stack and align with each other than mixed-size boxes.
Stuff Hollow Items
Try to fill any empty spaces in your items with other items, if possible. For example, after you've moved in your dresser or armoire, stuff it with clothing or other items. Fill jars and containers with related items. Another tip is to use soft items, like clothing and blankets, as protective insulation or buffers for your fragile belongings.
A small storage space doesn't mean you have to limit yourself. You can store a lot in a small unit if you plan and pack it right. In the end, you should have a full storage unit that is accessible when you need it. If you have more questions about small self-storage units or want to see a unit, contact a self-storage center for details.